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The Descent Series - Part 1

This series was written by SM Reine with the first installment of the series coming out in 2011. Its an urban fantasy rollercoaster of a series that I have always loved since reading it in my early 20's. I decided that it was time now 10 years later to revisit this series and write my reviews on it.


1. Death's Hand

2. The Darkest Gate

3. Deadly Hearts (short story)

4. Dark Union

5. Damnation Marked

6. Death Scream (short story)

7. Dire Blood

8. Defying Fate

9. Dying Night (short story)

10. Paradise Damned

The first book is called Death's Hand in which our main character Elise is drawn back into the demon fighting life by her old partner in fighting against evil, James. I'm starting this book on the same day that I ended the first Chicago Star's series book and am excited to be switching it up. I know I've already read this series so I'm going to try and keep my review unbiased and like the first time I've read it. I mean it's been 10 years and there has been a lot of drinking and extra circular things that have gone on since first reading it. I had previously bought the series on the Apple Bookstore but since all of my ipads were stolen by my children I decided to get the series on my kindles. I get to support a great author again and have a second stash of books, win for everyone. The first 3 can all be bought together and I've shared the link at the left of where to purchase it on Amazon, just click on the picture and it should take you right there. If you want to purchase the entire series instead of the first 3 because you want to read all of it consecutively I've added the link the next photo.

So let's begin.... This book is probably not for small children or preteens but mature adults.

In the beginning of this book it first takes you back in time and across lands of Russia telling about the first time James found Elise in a clearing surrounded by dead bodies. I mean come on, what a way to start the book. Is my attention captured, sure is. And so far there has been just enough description of the scenes that I can picture it in my mind with my imagination. Its a short chapter and on page 9 is a great attention getter as well.

After a quick trip down memory lane the book begins with chapter one with a location of Reno, NV in 2009. Now in the beginning the book jumps around different time periods of Elise's life; because of this its extremely important that you pay attention to all the little details within the chapters. If you are looking for an uncomplicated read, this book may not fit in that category.

Today is 9/10 8:25am and I read last night for a few hours and am now re-reading a couple of the chapters to make sure I am following the story line properly. This may cost the book a star in my rating because its not laid out in a nice and neat manner but rather jumps from one time in Elise's life to another and back again. Most the time its switching from 2004 to 2009 which if you aren't paying attention to the times listed at the beginning of the chapters (if there is one) you may get confused as to what is going on. As I'm reading this though my hopes are that it evens out in the time periods as to get less confusing.

I understand that the author is trying to set a backstory, trying to add reason behind the story for later but I feel it could have been done a bit better. Maybe a prologue would have been a better idea instead of dropping tid bits between chapters.

So today is 9/13 at 1:47pm and I didn't get a chance all weekend to update this blog post but I did finish the first book Friday night. Then I spent my weekend working on my art and cleaning the house. But I have to give this author credit where it is due. Even though I wasn't happy with the beginning of the book, as the chapters move forward and the story line does, the way he placed memories between certain chapters was entirely necessary. The last couple chapters of the book fully ties everything together. The suspense and thrill with descriptions during a battle, and the emotions it can make you feel are exactly what I look for in a book.

Of course the middle of the book does kind of drag on, but it sets up some mystery to everything, like what in the hell is under her gloves, why does she wear them, what is the weird relationship between her and James, and do we have to continue suffering with Stephanie? All questions I hope are answered in the next books but the cliff hanger at the end of this book made me jump right into the next one.

And that is where I will leave off this post in the series. Book one is getting 4 stars, the characters have emotional developments, the writing is clean other than the time jumps that I have determined are necessary evils, and the cliff hanger ending. The next post will be on book 2 of the series.

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