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Death Scream 4.5






So this was a short story thrown in the middle of the books that I bought. Again you can go back to the first post for this series and find the links in the images for purchase in the Amazon store, the one with the entire collection is currently only 99 cents and has this short story inside of it.

I can't review it though because I have no idea how any of it fits with the main story line. But here is my review.

Its feels kind of long for a short story and it once again takes you back in time with James and Elise, now this short story does in fact go into the story line but I think it could have been a book all by itself instead of just a short story. Its setting is in Dublin Ireland. I'm assuming since you are this far into the blog that you have read book 4 though. With that assumption I thought this would be the book that explains what exactly happened to Elise after she died, or maybe a glimpse as to what happened to Elise in the garden, how she came to be there. I was wrong though, it is not that at all.

At the end of Book 4, Elise is found in a frozen lake at the coordinates that were given to Anthony by Benjamin. I thought this book would tell us more, give us more. It doesn't give us that, but it does give us another look into the relationship between James and Elise.

She writes this series of books in such a way that its confusing until it all makes sense, like the timeline is wishy washy back and forth between the past and the present but at the same time you have to have these glimpses into the past to really understand what is going on in the present.

I don't want to give away too much of this in case it goes into book 5 and give away spoilers that you may not be currently at right now. And I can't rate it because this small short story isn't really a full book. Is it necessary, I will say yes, it doesn't technically bleed into book 5 but it is a necessary pretense for later happenings. This does leave more questions though than it does answers.

Reading this short story though you just know that after book 4 whatever is going to happen that has to do with this short story is going to be big, like bigger than at the end of 4 where Anthony legit sees nothing in the frozen lake and then all of a sudden Elise just FLOATS TO THE DAMN TOP, ALIVE!!! I don't know how you top that kind of ending but I guess we are going to find out.

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