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The Darkest Gate - Part 2

As I stated in the Part 1 post, this is going to be multiple parts, once I start a series I really hate to end it. Reading the Chicago stars series can be stand alone but while reading these, each book in itself runs into the next.

Book 2 - The Darkest Gate was published in 2012 but like the first book takes place in 2009. Today is 9/14 3:43pm and here is what I have for part two.

To start, this book had a lot less jumping around in Elise's memories than the previous book. The character's are once again facing evil but this time you see a little more of Elise's past, why she wears the gloves, but now there are new questions after finishing it. I started this a couple days ago, and I did take break in reading to watch the final season of Lucifer on Netflix. And at this point, I wish I hadn't.

The book is so well written compared to the first one that I honestly have to give this one 5 stars.

Because of the cliffhanger ending in the first book this one of course had my immediate attention. I couldn't not continue reading knowing that there was so much more to the story that had yet to be revealed to us. So many questions going unanswered. This book had more twists and turns than the first one and every time I thought I had figured the author out, I was proved entirely wrong.

As stated before the writing style stayed the same but had improved a great deal so I was really excited to see that. I didn't have to adapt my reading between different writing styles through the two books so far and that was pretty awesome.

Plot movement for this book was not slow at all, there was action and drama and comedy during each chapter, and like I have stated before these books are GRAPHIC with descriptions and are not for children. It was great in the book to be able to go this is when this happened, and here is where this happened and its all in a linear line, and there was no slow parts that made me want to put the book down and do something else.

The characters started becoming super relatable especially Anthony and Betty, parts of Elise were relatable, and even James. You could see them as real people, with real lives and not just fiction. In this book, the author really brought them to life, brought them to our reality not just a name and description on a page. Not just a work of fiction. And you could see the growth in them as well, especially Elise.

The consistency in the story line, writing style, character development, even while switching from one time period to another was straight across the board, nothing in this book contradicted anything from the first book.

All in all this book is probably one of my favorites because for the first time this book series had me bawling. And I wish I could tell you why, I wish I could warn you of the heartache you are going to feel after reading it. But why spoil the surprise I guess.

I can tell you I am extremely peeved at James but I can see where the man is coming from in his actions in the ethereal, I just don't like them.

Now on to book 3. Dark Union.

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